Saturday, July 18, 2015


I've been embracing technology lately and not feeling so old. Sort of. Anyway I hope with my upgraded phone I find blogging easier because I'm finding the time to blog difficult!! 

Anyway this image has been floating around and I find the picture itself well illustrated so thought I would repost. I also look at these herbs and flowers as critical items to have in my garden to help foster the bee development. We need to help them all we can until the government takes a stand against Monasto. We must do better. We can do better. We need to prioritize our health, environment above all else. 

Plant away!!

Anniversary Adventures!

It As mentioned here on this blog before, my husband and I are celebrating 10 years of marriage bliss...ha!  We've had our tough times and we've also had so many incredible times together. One of the things I think I do well is plan out our travel for the year, every January 1st. Some people like to set personal fitness goals but to help me get out of the winter slump, I like to plan financial and travel goad for the year on that morning. 

This year I included a continuation of my plan from 2014 to finish out our 10 adventures for the year. What do you give someone for an anniversary who could have whatever he really wanted, within reason of course. So instead I identified 10 adventures we had always talked about doing but had for one reason or another not found the time yet for. 

Here we are for #7!  We've always wanted to take a hot air balloon ride in NH so that's exactly, almost, what we did. It was a tethered balloon which I much prefer, especially after going up. 

It was a fun ride and we even caught the sunset. And my frugality came into play a little. I found this hot air balloon ride festival that was $15/person w no age restrictions for the little ones instead of $200-350/person. So for $60 and a few festival rides we had an incredibly memorable night. 

On to adventure #8!!