Wednesday, July 31, 2013


I may have to set myself a reminder to write a posts.  I have so many ideas of posts in my head that I think I write them to myself and never put fingers to keyboard and let the rest of the world share in them.

My oldest has been away the past few weeks at camp in Canada.  He's living with my husband's mom while he attends a day camp, where most of the kids speak French.  The town we live in offers a French Immersion program to incoming 1st graders.  For the next 12 years, these children can be on a French track, where all to most of their classes are taught in French.  The first few years all of the lessons are in French, slowly integrating English for standardized testing purposes.  We want to reinforce what he is learning during the school year in a safe, fun environment for a few weeks during the summer.  Last year, he went for 2 weeks - this year, he requested 7.  We are on week 6 and I cannot wait for him to come home.  Everywhere I look in our house are small reminders that we are temporarily missing one.  There are books that haven't been read in weeks, hockey sticks and goals that have not moved, a bed that has remained in tact.....I cannot imagine the grief parents must feel when losing a child.  The reminders of them must be in every waking corner.

Before having children, I never knew the love a person can have for another.  There is such a deep connection between my children and myself that I can actually feel when one of them is having a tough day.   Later in the day when we connect, I am reminded of the power of love and what it can do for each of us.  It shapes us, creates us, and makes us who we are.  Unconditional love from a partner, child or to a child, must be kept sacred and cared for with the kindest heart.

As you go through your day today, be mindful of the reminders all around you.  Reminisce about the moment you picked your first tomato, your child said I love you, or maybe when your partner said I do.  Find that moment to reflect on a part of you that makes you who you are today.  Relish in that moment, hold onto it, and remind yourself to have more, everyday.

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